Tuesday, July 24, 2007


My friend Patricia Wiles, author of the Kevin Kirk Chronicles, has tagged me on her blog. Patricia, I'm new to this so if I don't do it correctly please let me know.

What were you doing ten years ago:
I wrote for two local papers and for the Deseret News. We were spending lots of time traveling through the northwest and Canada. I was second counselor my ward Relief Society, and serving on the board of directors for a local company. My three oldest were all home and we were about to get a pleasant surprise - our youngest daughter. She was twelve years behind the rest!

What were you doing one year ago:
I was finishing my cookbook, Peach 101: Recipes Your Mother Never Told You About. My middle daughter was on a mission, my son moved back home for awhile, my oldest daughter was in dental school, my granddaughter turned three, and I decided to homeschool my youngest.

Five snacks you enjoy:
Artichoke hearts
Garlic hummus
Wabsabe Almonds
Ginger Snaps & Snickerdoodles (baked by our friend, Kevin -- cookie maker extrodinaire!)

Five songs you know all the lyrics to:

What a Wonderful World (Louis Armstrong)
Most Primary songs
Red River Valley (Sons of the Pioneers)
Cool, Cool Water (Sons of the Pioneers)
Little Maggie (Homer and Jethro)

Things you would do if you were a millionaire:
Build a children's museum to house, in part, my greatgrandmother's extensive doll collection, open an animal sanctuary, build homes/shelters for abused children and homeless elderly folks, travel.

Five bad habits:
I go barefoot too often
I neglect my bathroom sink
I eat too much pizza
I forget to put diesel in my truck
I spend too much time on the computer

Five things you like to do:
Hike with my family

Things you will never wear again:
Fake fingernails
Plaid slacks
My red dress (I’ll never again fit into it!)
Green eyeshadow

Five favorite toys:
My snowmobile
My Dyson vacuum
Our new dog cart (our Huskies pull it)
My granddaughter
My laptop

Where will you be in ten years:
Writing, illustrating, spending time with my family, traveling -- same as now -- I truly love my life!

Five people to tag:
Michael Ramsdell - Without a doubt one of my favorite authors
Terry Montague - She sounds like a fascinating person/author and I'd like to know more about her.
Kenya Transtrum - Kenya you are so fun! Let me know when you come down this way again -- I have a box of chocolate covered almonds with your name on it!
Corrie Lynne Player - Sweet, talented lady. I love her work!
Lyn Austin - Lyn is a fabulous writer. Plus, she got me Donny Osmond's autograph while she was in New York - love ya, Lyn!

Thanks, Patricia. This was fun! You are a phenomenal author and a great friend. I'll never forgot your trip out here to Utah for your signing tour. I so wanted to make a good impression on you that I cleaned my house for three days -- only to bring you in the front door into a heavy curtain of smoke. My son left his grilled cheese on the stove too long! Even though you could barely see (or breathe) you were gracious under "fire."

All the best!



pdwiles said...

Lori, your blog is gorgeous! Just like you. :-)

I hope I get to visit you again soon, grilled cheese and all. I adored Brigham City. I think it was my favorite place out of all the ones I visited. The only other place I thought was as pretty was the Mount Timpanogas Temple.

Love ya!

S.T. Lewis said...

I love the Sons of the Pioneers... and that's all I have to say about that. I sounded like Forrest Gump just then. I like your art.

Lori said...

Patricia, thank you. You're the best!

Shane, it's always nice to meet another Sons of the Pioneers fan. Most people have never even heard of them! Thanks to my grandpa, I have all their albums.

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